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Cactus Ropes

Cactus Ropes  at US wholesale rates

as part of a collective order on March 1

+++ 50 € Mindestbestellwert +++ 50 €  minimum order value +++ Minimální hodnota objednávky 50 € +++ 50 € valore minimo dell'ordine +++

exclusively for
Team Ropers

Roping as a sport, in general, has grown.
We'd like to bring that growth locally.

You can get Cactus Ropes from us at US wholesale prices  plus shipping costs, duties and taxes. There is no profit markup with us. This is a non-profit, non-commercial service to the roping community. You can place your order for Cactus Ropes through this platform.  We bundle all incoming orders and forward them to Cactus once per year at the beginning of the roping season (March 1st).  We pre-finance all orders  and invoice you  individually as soon as the ropes are delivered to us and  the invoice has been issued by Cactus and customs clearance has taken place. You get complete cost transparency and only pay the costs actually incurred. There is no profit surcharge, processing fee or similar.

Through us you can order all Cactus Ropes, which are offered by Cactus on their website If you don't find your desired rope in our assortment, just send us a message and we will order the item for you.


Thanks for sending!

Choosing the right rope

Importance of buying season and the impact of weather

Since weather changes affect ropes, the weather ultimately determines how Cactus makes its ropes. The amount of twist and kick put into the ropes are adjusted depending on the season. This ensures quality and a consistent feel regardless of external conditions.

Most Cactus ropes will feel great in temperatures between 24 and 30 degrees Celsius. When temperatures rise above 30 degrees, a 100% nylon rope such as the C4, Hypnotic, Prodigy and Mojo is recommended. When temperatures drop below 24 degrees, Cactus Ropes with CoreTX are recommended.

Cold weather  relaxes the fibers, causing the ropes to soften and lose their kick, causing a backswing. In cooler weather, use a slightly harder rope.

Warm weather  tightens the fibers, causing the ropes to harden. Therefore, on hot summer days, it is better to grab a slightly softer rope.


Header - Most professional ropers carry ropes with a softer lay as well as heavier ropes in their bag to be prepared for every situation. Since two factors, namely the weather and the type of cattle, influence the choice of the right rope. Most use softer ropes for cattle with small horns and harder ropes for larger horns.

Heeler - If you normally use a 3-strand rope and are trying a 4-strand for the first time, you should choose a lay softer than usual. 4-strand ropes have more body, so a softer lay feels similar to the harder lay on a 3-strand.

The correct storage of your ropes

Coil your ropes as big as possible and place the honda in the right position on top. Don't be afraid to ask someone for help if you're not sure how to position the Honda properly. Be careful not to over-stuff your rope bag as this can put unnecessary pressure on the hondas and cause the coils to bend or kink. Powder your ropes (e.g. with baby powder) and store them in a shady, dry place at room temperature.


Proper handling of new ropes

You're training or competing with your new rope and after a few steers it feels great. After a few more cattle, the rope suddenly feels a little softer, deader and a little worn. What happened?

When a rope is first used, its fibers are stretched and pulled apart, making your rope a little softer. Properly prepare and lay your rope  loop around a round fence post or railing, grasp the end of the rope  and sit back This is how the rope is stretched by your body weight. Repeat this once or twice. After roping five to eight cattle, you should wind up your new rope again and leave it in the rope bag for 24 hours. During this time, the fibers of the rope can return to their original position and the molecules solidify, giving the rope resilience. Do this procedure  Make a habit of repeating this process with your ropes every time you train. This will keep your ropes in good shape for about 16-20 runs per day, keep their great feel and you will enjoy them longer. If you work too many cattle with a new rope, the fibers will be overstressed and they will not settle. This degradation of the fibers will cause your rope to lose its body and feel. By simply letting your rope rest, you increase the life of your new rope.

Your Rope has a memory - just like you

We explained above how weather conditions can affect your rope. Because of this, seasonal changes dictate how Cactus manufactures its ropes to achieve the best possible result. It is therefore important that you understand that the rope's honda was positioned for the very season in which it was manufactured. A rope made for cold conditions may want to roll to the left when used in warmer weather.


Another reason for changing the eye is that ropes are made from nylon, and nylon has a "memory". The honda can also twist a normal loop to the left. If you let your rope rest without correcting the honda's position, the rope will remember the wrong position and stay there. If the fixation of the eye is neglected, this leads to a negative 180 degree rotation and makes the rope unusable. To fix the problem, just remember to roll the honda back slightly past your preferred position, hold it there for about ten seconds, and then position your eye where it suits you best. If you perform this simple procedure, you will enjoy your rope for much longer.

Diameter and weight of the ropes

Cactus team ropes in order of diameter and weight (smallest/lightest to largest/heaviest):

Small Diameter (5/16")

  1. Ambition

  2. Mini Mag

  3. Mini Thrill

Medium Diameter (3/8")

  1. Peacemaker

  2. Prodigy

  3. Whistler

  4. Xplosion

  5. C4

  6. The Future

  7. Thrilla

  8. Hypnotic

Large Diameter (7/16")

  1. Mojo

  2. Swagger

  3. Bad Boy

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